September brings late summer heat wave across the country
Spain has seen some of its highest temperatures on record for the month of September this week. Only 2006 and 1988 saw thermometers creep up higher in some areas, reported Spain’s meteorological agency, AEMET, on Thursday.
On 4, 5 and 6 September 37 official weather stations around the country recorded their highest ever temperatures for September, including Ibiza, with 38.4 degrees, and Granada, with 43.1 degrees. Cordoba saw official recordings of 45.4 degrees and Seville reached 44.8.
The heat wave did not just affect southern Spain, however, as Santiago de Compostela in Galicia saw a maximum of 39 degrees and Ourense 41.2.
While those who could headed for the cooler temperatures on the coast, children in inland cities and towns could be seen making the most of fountains in streets and squares.source surinenglish